It’s the middle of September and summer has come and passed. Are you back into the frantic chaos as Q4 approaches? I’m feeling a bit nostalgic for the warm sunshine, and just want to close my eyes, relax, and wake up when September ends! Wishful thinking, right? Join me and give this a listen as you read on…

Here is what the experts are saying, and some takeaways from the past week:

Use Data to Identify Most Valuable Leads
How do you bring greater efficiency to your marketing system? Some great advice from Moneypenny – use your data to evaluate and track your most valuable leads, save money on non-performing sources, and grow your business by supporting what works! I’m a data nerd, and love to analyze data and refine strategy based on what it tells me.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and measuring everything is key. Sometimes I’ll speak with a client that has a campaign that’s been running for so long…no one really knows why it’s being run! I ask about ROI and get blank stares.

I’m urging you to make your marketing programs fight for their money. Avoid ongoing support of underperforming programs. Data is your friend.

Sustainability is the New Business Reality
Is sustainability a part of your business strategy? According to Forrester, sustainability is not a trend that will pass, but a new business reality. Becoming more sustainable will test established companies’ sourcing, employment, and growth strategies. Companies that were born pursuing a sustainable agenda have an advantage and will turn risks into opportunities. Sustainability concerns are an opportunity to bring to market products and services that meet new customer demands.

At Virtual Causeway, we’ve focused on sustainability from the early days of our business – and we look at it in two ways:
Financial Sustainability of our services to our clients – providing solutions that generate a positive ROI and pay for themselves in the long run. We help our clients shorten their sales cycles and generate demand for their product – and as their sales increase, our services are paid for!
Environmental and Social Sustainability – accepting our social and environmental responsibility as an organization by committing to reducing our carbon footprint year over year. Plus, being early adopters of the Pledge 1% model and supporting charities and local non-profits.
Hopefully you can integrate sustainability into what you are doing as well!

“Pardon me, Your Majesty. Could you pass the popcorn?”
Have you dropped by to visit Queen Elizabeth lately? It turns out that her Sandringham Estate is hosting a drive-in movie theatre starting September 25. What creative and fun activities could you organize for your community or customers?

Drive-in movie theatres have had a resurgence this year – I hope you’re able to visit one before September ends!

Webinar Recording – 4 Ways to Impact 2020 Sales
The recording of our most recent webinar – 4 Proven Sales & Marketing Tactics to Impact Your 2020 B2B Sales is now available! Check it out when you have a chance.

As always, don’t hesitate to call me to brainstorm or ask how I can help.

Rick Endrulat | President | Virtual Causeway | 519.866.1600 x622