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As marketers, we need to have thick skin. Social media comments, clients, co-workers, vendors – lots of potential for stress. As a B2B pro, you need to roll with it, right?

Or maybe you don’t give a damn ’bout your reputation

Give this song by Joan Jett a listen as we see what the experts are saying this week.

Are you a B2B rock star?

If you haven’t seen this Super Bowl Ad from Workday – check it out. I couldn’t stop laughing when I first saw it! Over the years, I’ve seen so many in B2B refer to themselves or their colleagues as ‘rock stars.’ Just google ‘B2B rock stars’ and you’ll see what I mean.

My favourite line is from Gary Clark Jr. as he rips a solo: “Hey Liz in HR – Can you do this?”

Great cameos from Ozzy, Paul Stanley (KISS), Billy Idol and Joan Jett!

And speaking of rock stars and workplace woes…

Touring the US is getting harder

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is raising fees for US touring visas… by more than 250%!

The “P visa” allows acts into the US long enough to complete a tour. The current cost is US$460, but the DHS wants to bump that to $1,615. And if you want an “O visa,” which allows for a longer stay, it’ll be $1,655. The new fees include a $600 surcharge that will go to the government’s asylum program. The increases will apply to all foreign acts who, by the way, are also taxed 30% of what they make in the US!

How would YOUR customers react to a 250% price increase? I’m guessing a move like that would please no one, and send more than a few customers packing.

H-1B headaches

It might not relate to touring, but other visa-related headaches in the US are causing B2B problems! Our good friends at Waterloo EDC discuss the issues here.

If you’re not familiar, the H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations, such as IT, finance or engineering. Employers apply for H-1B visas on behalf of candidates who, if approved, can then stay in the country for three years and apply for an additional three-year extension after that.

It seems like a win-win scenario for both parties. Companies can access great talent from across the world and qualified candidates get the opportunity to live and work in the US. But due to immense demand, there’s a hard cap on the number of visas available each year. They’re granted by lottery each spring and the acceptance rates are declining!

Seems like you need to be a rock star to get an H-1B visa nowadays. So if you’re not afraid of any deviation, then maybe it’s time to look at moving… I hear Canada is nice this time of year! 😊

As always, don’t hesitate to call me to brainstorm or just say hello!

Looking forward,

Rick Endrulat, President | ricke@v-causeway.com | www.linkedin.com/in/rickendrulat