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It’s over. Q1 2021. Done. Can you believe it? As always, the quarter ends and it’s time that we begin again! How are things shaping up in your organization? Even though the first day of spring has passed, give this cool alt-rock song by The Gandharvas a listen as we read on and see what the experts are saying this week:

Prioritizing Buyer Intent Data

As buyer behaviours continue to change, and the level of competition scales up, B2B buyer intent data is becoming increasingly valuable. According to DemandGen’s 2021 State of ABM, 63% of marketers are already using intent/behaviour signals (an 8% increase over 2019), with 28% indicating they plan to incorporate them.

So what’s the big deal? Many martech providers are pushing intent solutions, especially as part of ABM strategies and technologies. But what are the benefits of a good intent data strategy? According to HubSpot, a strong intent data strategy can help an organization:

  • Catch qualified leads in the research phase
  • Stand out with your sales and marketing
  • Meet warm leads early in the buyer journey

Have you invested in buyer intent data? As this technology matures and adoption increases in 2021, it will be very interesting to see what gains companies can realize. I’d love to hear from you and see what YOUR results are!

Disappearing NFTs and Thriving in the Live Music Business (Kinda)

Live Nation Entertainment recently announced their 2020 numbers. And (no surprise) they were dreadful – losing $1 billion as revenue dropped by 84%! And yet – earlier this year their stock surged and hit an all-time high.

We know the live music industry was shattered in 2020. But for some reason, Live Nation shareholders value the company most when its core industry is shut down! Speculation is that its stock price might be high not because it’s making money now, but because its dominance blocks a path for new entrants to the marketplace. When the industry does open back up, this could be bad news for all of us – with such a dominant player and so little competition, this impacts artists’ abilities to play at smaller venues. As a result, we could see the whole music scene change.

And speaking of losing money… we discussed the hype around NFTs a few weeks back. Have you been amassing your own collections of NFTs since? If you have, or if you’re interested in purchasing in the future, give this story a read first – and ensure your expensive NFTs don’t disappear! There’s no way to know how long it’ll last…

Last Chance for Free Forrester ABM Report

Join our webinar on Thursday, and get the Forrester ABM research report! “Are You Ready for B2B Account-Based Marketing?” is coming up soon – sign up now! Can’t make it? No worries, we’ll send you the recording.

As always, don’t hesitate to call me to brainstorm or just say hello.

Looking forward,

Rick Endrulat, President | ricke@v-causeway.com | www.linkedin.com/in/rickendrulat