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What marketer hasn’t been swept up in the AI craze? Maybe it can make our jobs easier. Maybe it can help us hit our sales numbers. Or maybe it’s a big distraction…

Case in point – the other day I spent hours listening to AI-generated isolated guitar tracks from Smashing Pumpkins songs. Fascinating… very helpful when you’re trying to learn parts – but I also got sucked into countless YouTube videos of AI-generated music and guitar solos.

Check out this song by Smashing Pumpkins (non-AI version) while we see what the experts are saying this week…

HubSpot’s AI Solution

As a B2B marketing professional, you understand the importance of creating quality content to engage with your target audience. However, this can be time-consuming and daunting, particularly if you’re managing multiple campaigns.

HubSpot’s latest AI-powered tools, the content assistant and ChatSpot.ai, are designed to save you time and streamline your workflows. These tools use advanced artificial intelligence technology from OpenAI to make work easier for marketing, sales, and customer service professionals.

All in all, AI can be a double-edged sword. Marketers should know both the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in marketing before implementing it in their campaigns. HubSpot’s new tools will be interesting to follow as their user base adopts them.

What do you think? Is AI a friend or foe of marketing? Will it speak to your customers in a language they can hear?

Long Tail, Scarcity & Pop Culture

Within a few weeks, we’re going to see thousands (or millions) of new songs created by AI and available on YouTube and streaming channels. Some of them will be mediocre, others breakthroughs, and even some hits.

Pop culture has traditionally depended on scarcity – with only a few TV stations or a dozen radio stations, it’s likely that many of us have watched or heard the same thing at the same time. A popular TV show from fifty years ago probably reached twenty times as many people as a popular hit today.

But the long tail brings other benefits. More choices, more innovation. Not just a long tail of consumption, but also a spectacular decrease in the cost of production. Innovations in computers, cameras, and AI mean that people can make content without permission from a gatekeeper.

According to Seth Godin, creating music – like writing – is an inherently human activity, and it doesn’t go away. People will make the effort. What does go away is the commercial and creative dynamic of thousands of people in places like Nashville and Hollywood trying to become ‘someones’ with nothing but a typewriter or a guitar.

The end of pop and the rise of the long tail and AI brings us back a century. Just like it used to be – small circles of people, not mass markets. But this time with endless choices and a business model that’s hard to visualize.

What do you think? Can you make it last forever?

As always, don’t hesitate to call me to brainstorm or just say hello!

Looking forward,

Rick Endrulat, President | ricke@v-causeway.com | www.linkedin.com/in/rickendrulat