Critical Success Factors for Business Recovery and Growth

After the downturn, now what? Businesses are looking for insight into strategies they can implement to help them recover and ultimately grow – from concrete demand generation ideas and tactics to high-level growth strategies.

On May 27 at 2:00pm, we’re bringing together two experts who will share practical growth insights from the perspectives of both sales and marketing – Rick Endrulat, President of Virtual Causeway, and VanillaSoft CMO Darryl Praill. Join us as they share their B2B sales and marketing experiences and offer strategies that you can implement to build demand and increase revenue for your organization over the coming months.

Give us just 29 minutes of your time, and we’ll give you the advice you need to help your organization gain traction on the road to business recovery. Register today!

Webinar Experts:
Rick Endrulat is the President of Virtual Causeway.
Darryl Praill is the Chief Marketing Officer at VanillaSoft, the industry’s most established Sales Engagement Platform. As an accomplished award-winning marketer, a Sales World Top 50 Keynote speaker, a 2020 top 10 SaaS Branding Expert, a Top 19 B2B Marketer to Watch in 2019, a social media influencer, a category-leading podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur.
Register here!