Do you have a lead follow-up checklist? Mistakes in your process can cost you sales and ultimately impact revenue. As someone who runs a demand agency, I can’t tell you how often our team has generated leads for a client who isn’t really prepared or has no plan for the leads when they get them. It’s surprising. So much of success relies on following a good process and ensuring there is no ‘leakage’ in your sales funnel!

I recorded a webinar on the Best Practices for Effective Lead Follow-Up with one of my top demand generation strategists at Virtual Causeway – Marlene Keay. You can listen to it here. And below is a checklist we developed for our own clients – feel free to use it for yourself! I hope it helps. And, of course, let us know if you have any questions.

Before you start generating leads, however, it’s important to have your process structured and sales committed to following up. Best practices suggest you develop a service level agreement between marketing and sales to ensure lead quality criteria are established, and that you also formalize follow-up timing, process and feedback loops with sales!

Your Lead Follow-Up Checklist

  1. Review all the qualified lead information received.

  2. Send a follow-up email or calendar invite to the prospect within 24 hours.

  3. Send meeting reminders 1-2 days prior to meeting date.

  4. Make a brief reminder call to combat email overload.

  5. Begin the meeting on time.

  6. If virtual meeting, call contact if they are not connected within 5 minutes. Use professional guilt tactics!

  7. Engage prospect with relevant material that resonates with their needs and pain points.

  8. Feedback results to Virtual Causeway or your marketing team to maximize effectiveness.

  9. Continue to nurture and progress to close.

Plan out your lead follow-up to maximize your effectiveness and increase your sales. For bests results watch our webinar: Best Practices for Effective Leads Follow-Up or contact us to connect!

Looking forward,

Looking forward,

Rick Endrulat, President | |