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If you’re like me (or my employees) you are trying to squeeze as much out of summer as possible. And hopefully, you’re enjoying the great outdoors this morning and not succumbing to the summertime blues… this week’s post will be short, and you’ll be back to your summer fun in no time!

Give this song by the Who a listen while we (briefly) see what the experts are saying this week…

Avoiding the Summer Slump

I was so optimistic a couple weeks ago. My clients seemed like they were proactively marketing through the summer months, and I was seeing some great activity. This past week? Not so much.

So – here are some ideas for you to get the juices flowing…

  1. Focus on appointments vs. total revenue
  2. Focus on referrals and upselling
  3. Clean that database!
  4. Refine your B2B content strategy
  5. Focus on prospecting!!

See more details here and here.

Something our team has learned over the years – when you know a lot of people are gonna take two weeks off at these times, make a careful note of when your contact will be back and schedule a call in your CRM. And grab those contact names and emails mentioned in your prospects’ out-of-office notifications – build that database!!

Summer Touring is Booming…

…but smaller artists are singing the blues.

Over the course of the year, touring has rebounded into a booming and healthy business for touring acts. But while equipment is easier to come by, crew and vehicle shortages – along with “astronomical” prices – remain an issue for theatre and club acts on the road. These stings are felt especially by small and mid-range acts, who have to find ways to reduce costs in order to tour… or are cancelling tours altogether!

Check out this article. When you factor in revenue challenges from streaming, touring costs, and the additional effort required to stay on top of social media and build those connections with your fans… being a musician just to try to earn a dollar is not as easy or lucrative as many think!

What have you found in B2B? Have live events rebounded like they are for big musicians? Or are they still struggling alongside those smaller acts to make a comeback?

As always, don’t hesitate to call me to brainstorm or just say hello!

Looking forward,

Rick Endrulat, President | ricke@v-causeway.com | www.linkedin.com/in/rickendrulat