Deal Volume and Sales Response Rates are Down

Here is the latest update for you – if it's valuable, please forward it to your colleagues. And please share your findings back – I’d love to hear from you! Here are some takeaways from the past week: 1. Deal Volume and Sales Response Rates are Down - HubSpot has been providing some great real-time [...]

Generating Sales Pipeline and Preserving Revenues in B2B Markets

I’ve recently witnessed some marketplace changes that I want to share with you. This past week our client teams have noticed that response rates and live conversations with B2B prospects have picked up considerably. Of course, I am hoping this trend continues. Are your sales teams finding the same? Here are some takeaways from the [...]

2021-05-26T10:19:14-04:00April 20th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

Processing Change Inside Sales Organizations and Contact Data Depth

As I process everything going on these days, I find myself reflecting on past experiences as I push forward. What is the role of change now? Here are some takeaways from the past week: 1. Your Brand New 100% Inside Sales Organization! When I started Virtual Causeway in 2001, it was mainly due to a [...]

2021-05-26T10:19:30-04:00April 13th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

COVID-19 Strategic Sales and Marketing Actions

I usually don’t listen to webinars ‘live’ but this one was different. As someone who helps to manage and implement webinar strategies for our clients, I rarely attend them live. I typically wait for the replay or recording. Today I watched a timely and thought-provoking webinar hosted by Gartner and TOPO: COVID-19 – Strategic Sales [...]

2020-04-03T16:11:24-04:00April 3rd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |
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